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Online Registration

Environmental Entanglements:

Climate and Physis in the Ancient World


A colloquium sponsored by the Department of Classical Studies, University of Western Ontario


Saturday, September 21, 2019 (10:00am-6:00pm)


Keynote address by Dr. Ian Hodder (Dunlevie Family Professor in the School of Humanities and Sciences, Department of Anthropology, Stanford University)


Presentations by:

Dr. Catherine Pratt (Assistant Professor, Department of Classical Studies, University of Western Ontario)

Dr. John M. Marston (Assistant Professor of Archaeology and Anthropology, Department of Archaeology, Boston University)

Dr. Catherine Kearns (Assistant Professor, Department of Classics, University of Chicago)

Dr. Katherine Blouin (Associate Professor, Department of Historical and Cultural Studies, University of Toronto Scarborough)


  For more information, email cpratt25@uwo.ca


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